Saturday, October 24, 2009


Cherry Hill NJ not satisfied being one of the most taxing 'burbs in a tax crazy state, has in the interest of arrogance and greed,
decided to cannibalize it's already half-eaten citizens. Several weeks ago, the bored underworked cops decided to enforce a state mandated sting in which badly disguised "civilians" stood at crosswalks(on the sidewalk) holding a basketball above their heads,staring into space ironically looking quite dangerous and demented. The young man, about 50 years old just stood there as if his sneakers were crazy-glued to the concrete. I like, many other drivers that sun. morning drove cautiously passed this obvious freak, hoping to avoid being beaned in the windshield with a basketball. Then like locusts, a bevy of Cherry Hill's finest jumped in front of my car and shunted me-and many others- to a the Cherry Hill West Hs parking lot. Crime ?
glad you asked There's a state mandatory program in which plainclothes(really!) officers stop bad drivers who pass civilians in crosswalks and you pal, just got stuck with an $85 fine and two points. Yeah, it's come to that! How much money can the township make actually fighting crime? When I used to call up about drugs and vandalism in Brandywoods park, all I got was
a lot of "We'll look into it" still vandalism-still drugs. Ok go to court fight it. see dress down friday"prosecutor" OK you know what you did, we'll let you plead guilty to "unsafe driving" and 0 points for the one time price of $389.00! Then in a scene right out of The Godfather, this "judge" repeats the same for lines from the same script he recited about 25,00 times. You have pleaded to
a lesser charge, you are guilty, now pay 389.00 go thru the right door and have a nice day! Wanna fight it? pay a lawyer 4 bills
and if you lose (which you will) pay court costs on top of that! Call the mayors office: "It's not illegal 'were just trying too encourage people to drive safely". Then why not just inform people-you know- make them aware? "oh no"! people only learn when you make them pay! These parasites decide what you need to pay! WEll I guess you gotta vote with your feet-and leave Corzine nation and it's bunch of Barney Fifes in the dust.

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